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When Two Souls Intertwine

There are 7.7 billion people in this world. 329 million people living in the United States. All living different lives. All crossing different paths. All falling in and out of love. Waking up every day and going to work, checking the mail, cooking dinner, and searching for something their heart so desperately desires.

This world is so vast and wide, but love can make it feel so small. It’s the first time you make eye contact with someone and feel your heart flutter faintly. It’s the lightness on your feet that sweeps you away as you dive into the deep end of conversation. It’s the moment your lips lock with anticipation and that first kiss warms your entire body. It’s that inevitable falling that makes you anxious and excited all at the same time.

It’s feelings that feel so familiar but so different. You’ve felt this before, but now you’re feeling all of those things and more. As time passes your souls begin to dance around and intertwine. They jump, skip, and spin around to a musical harmony that no one else can hear. When you touch the entire world disappears. When they speak your ears are made for only their voice. You could listen to them talk for days and never grow tired.

Suddenly, you’re connected and the words “I love you” are beating at your chest and spewing out of your mouth. I love you. It’s new, but it feels like you’ve known each other forever and yet, you’re discovering new parts of them every single day.

Your hearts found each other, you see? You had no control. You didn’t search for this. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t know that your souls longed to be connected, but now they are, and for that you’re glad.

It doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t have to. When two souls are meant to connect everything logical in this world goes out the window. Everything that screams “this won’t work” becomes irrelevant. Time, location, circumstances are all man-made, and what is happening comes straight from the stars and galaxies above. It’s an energy that cannot be created nor destroyed. It is not meant to be fought. It is futile to try. For, fighting love is to fight your own deepest desires. It's to fight yourself.

So you lay down your swords, leave your armor at your feet, and step forward onto the battlefield vulnerable. You surrender yourself. You give in. You press forward hand and hand. You look to the future and dream, and you revel in the present and soak it all in. Soak in the madness. Soak in the insanity. Soak in the ballet of your souls that tap dance on your hearts, an endless pitter patter of laughter and happiness.

See. We don’t meet people by accident. It’s a cosmic connection that moves you to the ends of the oceans. All of our lives we search for someone to compliment and complete us. Then we find it and we want to run. Stop running. Don't turn away. Your soul has longed for too long for your mind to control something it cannot comprehend.

We hold the keys to each other’s mental and spiritual evolutions. We push each other to grow. We’re shoulders to lean on when times are tough. We’re anchors to bring us back down to earth, and wings to help us soar. Maybe we’ve met in several lifetimes and are continually bound to one another. Maybe fate is just a magical thing and stars collided to bring us together. Who really knows?

Does it really even matter? Does love need an explanation? Life is short and love is powerful. It’s the most powerful force in the world. It brings people together. It ends disputes. It’s the key to our very existence. It takes every negative emotion you’ve ever felt and makes them seem so small. It binds you in its warm embrace. It offers the same feeling of euphoria that worldly drugs offer. It’s a blissful cloud nine. The serotonin lifts your confidence. Norepinephrine boosts your energy and dopamine enhances vast feelings of pleasure. That much is science. That much we know. That much we can explain.

Love can conquer all if only we are willing to dive in headfirst without thinking twice. It takes courage to love. It’s not just something you feel, it’s something you do. Embrace it. Let it reign over you. Give in. Let somebody love you, because love is never a mistake, and love is never a coincidence.

Love is mysterious. Love is timeless. Love knows no limits. Love is patient. Love is pure. Love is everything.

Let it find you and don't ever let it go.

”The madness of love is the greatest of Heaven's blessings.” - Plato


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